Dear reader,
May I firstly say that I hope you and your loved ones are keeping well during these unprecedented days. As we continue to manage during the current restrictions, doing things differently, I wanted to send you a further email with the following contacts and links which may prove useful. Some of this information you may already be aware of:
Pastoral Care and Prayer Support
If you are concerned for yourself or anyone else and feel I, the churchwardens, or the Pastoral Care group should know then please do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected]. Susie Downer co-ordinates a prayer chain by email and I can forward on to her any requests for prayer.
Worship and Personal Prayer
At St. Barnabas Church we provide a short Sunday morning service at 9.30am via Facebook Live which is available on:
The Diocese of Oxford provide a page of resources and online worship on Sunday mornings at 10am via this link:
Also we have all been encouraged as Christians to read the words of Psalm 23 and the Lord’s Prayer daily at 11am. Here is a useful reflection by the Bishop of Oxford on Psalm 23 at this link:
For the Church of England resource page you may like to follow this link:
Coronavirus (COVID-19) liturgy and prayer resources | The Church of England
Busybees for pre-school children and their carers on Monday afternoons at 2.00pm continues via Youtube. Please contact Mark and Debbie Burton at [email protected]
Hayley and I are continuing to manage donations to Readifood Foodbank. Please simply leave any donations outside the vicarage in the box provided – 20 St. Barnabas Road, Emmer Green. It is emptied regularly.
Virtual Coffee Mornings
Recently our organist, Felicity Chapman, sent this message which I would like to share with you:
We’d like to set up some virtual coffee mornings. If you’re interested in trying this out, please send us a direct Facebook message, or email [email protected]
Then we can talk about the best way to organise this. Wishing you every blessing, Felicity.
Thank You
Finally I would like to thank of all you who are helping to maintain a Christian presence in so many differing ways that are unable to be included above, be that in your workplace, homes, neighbourhoods, or by telephone and even online! We are the Body of Christ and it is a great privilege to be with you seeking to fulfil what it means to be a Christlike presence both now and for the future. Please continue to hold in your prayers all those who are being affected directly by the current pandemic and particularly those are are serving on what is commonly termed as the ‘frontline’.
Your sincerely in Christ