
Being baptised or ‘Christened’, (they are both the same), marks the start of a lifelong journey of faith.  In the Bible we find that Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan as an adult (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, in the first chapter of John’s Gospel the baptism of Jesus is implied.) Adults or children can be baptized, either involve life changing decisions.

Christian baptism marks the end of one type of living and the start of a new one – recreated in Jesus Christ to have a fuller relationship with God and other human beings.  In baptism we discover Life as it was created to be.

As an adult you make the baptismal promises for yourself. As a parent you say that you will help your child to walk in the way of Christ and “to take their place within the life and worship of Christ’s church”. You will have to answer questions on your child’s behalf. The vicar will explain the words of the promises in greater detail.

Alternatively, St. Barnabas Church offers a Thanksgiving Service, which recognises your thankfulness for the birth of your child and may be more suitable if you do not want, at this time, to make a commitment to the Christian faith on behalf of your child. This service acknowledges your expression of thanks to God for your child.

We normally hold baptisms on Sundays: for more information, please fill in the online enquiry form below, or contact the Vicar [email protected].  Then, for more information about arranging a baptism at St Barnabas’ please click this link for our ‘Arranging a Baptism’ brochure.