
Notices for Sunday 28th July

This Sunday: 28th July: Trinity 8

  • 9:30am  Parish Communion (in church)
  • 11:30am  All Age Worship with Holy Baptism of Quinn and Ila Fitzpatrick (in church)

Readings this Sunday:
2 Samuel 11.1-15    Ephesians 3.14-end    John 6.1-21

Prayer for the week:  Gracious Father, revive your Church in our day, and make her holy, strong and faithful, for your glory’s sake in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

What’s On This Week

For details of What’s on this week, go to our What’s On (calendar) page.

Please pray for:

Those who have asked for our prayers: Colin Baker, Cathy Cordery, Shirley Corti, Anna Headland, George, Mary Lewis, Ron Saban and Pauline Smith.  Also for Gladys Napier and Peter Hancock who have died recently. Please also pray for Quinn, Ila, Rumi, Jingra, Didi and Ritchegi as they prepare for baptism in the coming weeks.


Open Gardens: every other Sunday afternoon through the summer – all welcome.  The schedule with addresses and details for parking etc. is on the table in the Parish Centre table.

The late Peter Hancock. The funeral of our friend and brother Peter Hancock will be held at St Barnabas on Tuesday 6th August, starting at 12:30pm.

Invitation from our patron, Christ Church Oxford: 4:30-9:00pm on Wednesday 25th September, to a Corporate Communion service in the cathedral, preceded by tea and a talk on Anglican hymnody, and followed by supper in the Great Hall.  There will be a small charge of £15 and we will have to make our own transport arrangements (note there is no parking at the Cathedral). If you would like to go, please secure your place by paying the £15 to Revd Kevin by Sunday 8th September at the latest.

Eco tip: Thank-you to Paul and Sandra Rice for this recommendation: Kinkind for shampoo, conditioner, body wash etc. Packaging all recyclable, they are fairly local family company in Bourne End: There are introductory offers so worth a look!

Centenary celebrations: as more banners accumulate in church, we build up to our celebration weekend in September, with a Community Fair on 14th and a Centenary Service on Sunday 15th (the preacher will be Revd Nigel Hardcastle). A big shout-out to all bakers: if you can help by providing cakes and scones for this weekend, it would be hugely appreciated!

Confirmation: St Barnabas is hosting the area confirmation service in the autumn (November 24th). Seems a long way off, but if you are interested in making this next step in faith (or you know someone else who might be) please speak to Revd Kevin.

Regular giving to St Barnabas. If you consider St Barnabas is your home church, please support our mission and ministry. The best way is to give regularly through the Parish Giving Scheme by clicking here. Or see the ‘Giving’ page on our website. Ask Richard Cunningham (our treasurer) or Revd Kevin for further details.

Updates from social media

The latest news from our Facebook group is shown below. More news can also be found on the PCC news page.

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Good morning everyone


Thank you Kevin 😊

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Good morning everyone

Thank you Kevin ❤️🙏🏻

Thank you Kevin 😊

This morning we thought about who God calls to be his disciples (spoiler alert: it's everyone!).

Mark Burton led our reflections drawing the contrast between God's original covenant with the Israelites (later called the Jewish people) and the new covenant with the whole of humanity that Jesus brought us. If you missed the service, you can catch up online: .
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6 days ago
Come along on Saturday 20th from 2 pm, for a chance to win one of these fabulous hampers in our  Raffle.Image attachmentImage attachment+3Image attachment

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Good morning everyone



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Good morning everyone


Thank you Kevin 😊

THIS SATURDAY: its our Summer Garden Party!  Cream teas, handicrafts and stalls. From 2pm, see you there!

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Good morning everyone


Thank you Kevin 😊

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