Eastertide greetings

Dear reader,

I hope you are keeping well and that Easter has brought with it some of its joyful message for you. We were open for services during Holy Week and Easter and it is encouraging to see an increasing number of attendees, both at the church and online, each week. Personally, I found it really good to see young children back in St. Barnabas Church on Easter Day. On Holy Saturday we had a successful take up of the Family Easter Egg Hunt  – 13 families and 20 children. We are now making plans to provide a monthly event for young families over this summer.


St. Barnabas Church has now been open for public services since the beginning of December. This is our weekly pattern:

  • Sunday 8.00am Traditional Communion (BCP)
  • Sunday 9.30am 1st Sunday – All Age; 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays – Parish Communion; 3rd Sunday – Service of the Word.
  • Wednesday 10.00am Communion (Common Worship)
  • Thursday 9.00-10.30am Private Prayer

Weekly Events

  • During Lent we hosted a study group via Zoom. Also there currently exists a Zoom coffee morning from the vicarage each Wednesday from 11.00am until 12 noon. If you would like to participate via Zoom then please contact me.
  • On Sunday and Thursday mornings there is opportunity to drop off Food Bank donations at St. Barnabas Parish Centre.
  • We are now planning how to safely begin some of the groups that formerly met at the Parish Centre prior to the pandemic.

Rev’d Dr Leonard Onugha

Leonard has been an invaluable help as our curate from the latter part of last year. Sadly for us, Leonard will be leaving at the end of May to take up the position of Rector of Finchampstead, California, and St. Eligius. Leonard will return to preside at our Parish Communion service on Sunday 13th June at 9.30am where we will formally thank him for his work with us in recent months. I think it is fitting that his last Sunday with us will be close to St. Barnabas Day (11th June).

Regathering and Reconnecting

We continue to live in changing times, and we must all continue to safeguard one another’s health and wellbeing. With this in mind, we continue to explore ways in which it is safe to regather and reconnect with one another as the Body of Christ, on the understanding that things can change quite quickly – that seems to be our ‘new normal’. Please remember to wear a face mask if you wish to attend any of our physical services/events.  Also do not hesitate to contact me at the vicarage if you would just like to talk to someone, and don’t forget that you can catch up with all our latest news and events from:

  • Website
  • Facebook: St. Barnabas, Emmer Green
  • Monthly Printed Newsletter – delivered upon request

Every blessing for Eastertide
