What’s on

The week's events

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
02/12/2020(1 event)


Unfortunately, technology doesn't allow us to sing together at the moment, but we enjoy keeping in touch. We meet up online and by phone to keep in touch and to talk about singing projects.

03/12/2020(1 event)


The church is open for private prayer.

For details of how to stay safe, see private prayer.

06/12/2020(1 event)


This service is for anyone of any age who wants to discover Christian worship for today. It is best described as ‘fun filled faith for all ages’. Join us either in church or online. If you're attending in person, you'll need a mask and to observe social distancing rules.

For details of how to join an online service, see online services. These services are recorded and usually uploaded to our YouTube channel later that day.