
What sort of church are we?

We welcome everyone to join us. We hold a variety a variety of services that aim to meet the needs of our community. You’ll find us singing modern worship songs alongside more traditional hymns. Sometimes clergy and leaders are robed, sometimes not.

Children are welcome at all services. There’s a carpeted area in church, with books and toys so that you can bring children to any service without worrying about how to entertain them.

When are the services?

You can join us for services at the following times:

Sunday Services

  • 8:00am Holy Communion (1st Sunday of the month only): this is a short (30 minute), said service, in the traditional form from the Book of Common Prayer.
  • 9:30am Parish Communion. This is a sung service with organ/piano, choir and a sermon, lasting about an hour. Usually a Parish Holy Communion, except on the second Sunday each month when we have a Service of the Word. We meet for coffee afterwards.
  • 11:30am All Age Worship. This is a less formal service, lasting about half an hour, this is particularly geared towards families and young people. The format varies: Café church (1st and 3rd Sundays) in the parish centre; Family Communion (other Sundays) in church; and occasionally we have baptisms in this service. We gather for refreshments (and usually cake too) before and after this service.

Midweek services

  • Morning Prayer:
    • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 8.00am online, on our FaceBook page
    • Tuesdays at 8.30am in church
  • We also have a midweek celebration of Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 10.30am. This is a said communion service lasting about half and hour, followed by coffee.

Currently all 9.30am services are also available online. For details, see Online services.

Come and try us out

You are very welcome to join us at any of our services. Please do introduce yourself – we’d love to get to know you!

What’s it like being new at St Barnabas?

We moved to Emmer Green from Hillingdon in August 2021, leaving behind us a church family that we had been part of for over 30 years. So it was very important to us to find the right church in our new home town and we were fully prepared to try out all the local ones before deciding on “the one”.

St Barnabas was our first port of call and we haven’t worshipped anywhere else since. We felt “at home” straight away as everyone was friendly and welcoming in a very natural way. In the last year we have gradually become more involved with all that’s going on and we don’t feel like “the newbies” anymore. 

The St Barnabas Church family is rooted in God’s love which we knew as soon as we walked through the door so we stayed!

Christine and Brian Bartlett